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Trusted by militaries worldwide.
We deliver world-class adversary training and special mission support. On a daily basis, the US Air Force, the UK’s RAF, militaries in the NATO alliance and their partners rely on our services.

What do we do?
In the classroom or in the air, our primary purpose is to prepare frontline personnel to survive the fight. We work with leading technologies and a varied fleet of aircraft to deliver complex, highly regulated adversary training across land, sea and air.

Where do we operate?
With bases in the US, Europe and the Middle East, Draken supports more than 25 nations annually, from elementary electronic warfare training to multi-national exercises.

Who is on our team?
High-calibre individuals drawn from civilian and ex-military backgrounds are the backbone of our team. Innovation, experience, flexibility, and in-depth knowledge of customers’ needs are the cornerstone of their success — and yours.

A team driven by purpose

Whether pilots, engineers or technologists, Draken’s people all know that no mission gets off the ground without meticulous planning, safety and experience. Click here to find out about life at Draken...

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We are Draken

Our combination of Red Air and Live Electronic Attack makes our training challenging, valuable and essential.

Our innovation in the live and synthetic domains, makes our training as realistic as it can be. It enhances mission success.

Watch our film to learn more about our operations.

Our purpose...

"Draken offers the world’s most advanced adversary training services.
We help frontline forces to survive the fight. Our knowledge of tactics, techniques and procedures are second to none.
They have to be."

Nic Anderson CEO Draken

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